5  Demo and parallel backends

5.1 Parallelize on local machine

options(future.demo.mandelbrot.resolution = 5000)   # 5000x5000 px

demo("mandelbrot", ask = FALSE)
  1. plan(sequential) - default
  2. plan(multisession)
  3. plan(multicore)

5.2 Parallelize on local machine

5.2.1 Standalone background R processes

plan(multisession, workers = availableCores())  ## default
plan(multisession, workers = 2)

Real-world example:

plan(multisession, workers = 3)
Warning in checkNumberOfLocalWorkers(workers): Careful, you are setting up 3
localhost parallel workers with only 2 CPU cores available for this R process
(per 'system'), which could result in a 150% load. The soft limit is set to
100%. Overusing the CPUs has negative impact on the current R process, but also
on all other processes of yours and others running on the same machine. See
help("parallelly.options", package = "parallelly") for how to override the soft
and hard limits
info <- future_lapply(seq_len(nbrOfWorkers()), function(idx) {
  data.frame(idx = idx, hostname = Sys.info()[["nodename"]], pid = Sys.getpid())
info <- do.call(rbind, info)
  idx     hostname   pid
1   1 fv-az802-287 18859
2   2 fv-az802-287 18861
3   3 fv-az802-287 18860

5.2.2 Forked R processes

plan(multicore, workers = availableCores())  ## default
plan(multicore, workers = 2)
plan(multicore, workers = 3)

info <- future_lapply(seq_len(nbrOfWorkers()), function(idx) {
  data.frame(idx = idx, hostname = Sys.info()[["nodename"]], pid = Sys.getpid())
info <- do.call(rbind, info)
  idx     hostname   pid
1   1 fv-az802-287 18984
2   2 fv-az802-287 18985
3   3 fv-az802-287 18986

5.3 Parallelize on multiple machines

plan(cluster, workers = availableWorkers())  ## default
plan(cluster, workers = c("dev1", "dev2", "dev3"))

Real-world example:

plan(cluster, workers = c("dev1", "dev2", "dev3", "dev3", "dev3"))

info <- future_lapply(seq_len(nbrOfWorkers()), function(idx) {
  data.frame(idx = idx, hostname = Sys.info()[["nodename"]], pid = Sys.getpid())
info <- do.call(rbind, info)
  idx             hostname    pid
1   1 dev1.wynton.ucsf.edu 281122
2   2 dev2.wynton.ucsf.edu  29646
3   3 dev3.wynton.ucsf.edu  43826
4   4 dev3.wynton.ucsf.edu  43881
5   5 dev3.wynton.ucsf.edu  43921

5.4 Parallelize via HPC job scheduler

plan(batchtools_slurm)  ## Slurm cluster
plan(batchtools_sge)    ## SGE cluster
plan(future.batchtools::batchtools_sge, workers = 3)

info <- future_lapply(seq_len(nbrOfWorkers()), function(idx) {
  data.frame(idx = idx, hostname = Sys.info()[["nodename"]], pid = Sys.getpid())

If we peek at the job scheduler queue right after calling future_lapply(), we would see something like:

$ qstat
job-ID prior name            user  state time
279873 0.000 future_lapply_1 hb    qw    04/26/2023 22:46:54
279889 0.000 future_lapply_2 hb    qw    04/26/2023 22:47:02  
279912 0.000 future_lapply_3 hb    qw    04/26/2023 22:47:13  

These three jobs represent the three futures we created. When completed, we will see something like:

info <- do.call(rbind, info)
  idx hostname   pid
1   1 qb3-as92 14596
2   2 qb3-as17 48397
3   3 qb3-as04  8698

5.5 Alternatives

The future.callr package parallelizes on the local machine using the callr package. It works similarly to multisession, but can use more than 125 parallel workers1:

plan(callr, workers = availableCores())  ## default
plan(callr, workers = 2)

  1. R has a built-in limitation of 125 parallel workers as of R 4.3.0. It is a simple tweak in the R source code to upgrade to, say, 1000 workers, but it still has not happened.↩︎