Significant Changes

  • Drop ‘R packages: Vignettes prior to R 3.0.0’ vignette. R 3.0.0 was released on 2013-04-03.


  • The as-is LaTeX vignette now uses %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}.

  • Fix help-page issues.

  • LaTeX vignettes failed with Undefined control sequence. \pdfsuppressptexinfo with old LaTeX versions.

Bug Fixes

  • rcat() for RspShSourceCode was not registered as an S3 method.

Bug Fixes

  • findAsciiDoc() failed to parse asciidoc --version for asciidoc 9.0.0rc1, resulting in an error. The error message was also incorrectly formatted.


  • Package no longer imports R.utils::inherits(), which is deprecated and will eventually be removed.


  • Package ascii has returned to CRAN.

Significant Changes

  • Now R.rsp can also process RSP documents with shell code, e.g. rcat('<%@meta language="sh"%><% now=$(date) %>It is now <%= $now %>').

New Features

  • toR() for RspDocument now select the RspSourceCodeFactory based on the language RSP metadata.

  • Add rfile() for RspShSourceCode.

Bug Fixes

Deprecated and Defunct

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Removed defunct write() for RspResponse - use writeResponse() instead.

  • Removed defunct attribute verbatim for RSP include preprocessing directives. Use attribute type instead.

Bug Fixes

  • RSP directives could obtain content values of length greater than one, e.g. <%@string a="${letters}"%> causing a to have value base::letters. Such values are now pasted together into a single string without separators.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Package ascii is no longer suggested to avoid R CMD check WARNINGs because ascii was “removed” from CRAN (it has been archieved). AsciiDoc documents can still be processed if you install ascii by other means.

Bug Fixes

  • Forgot to declare a few S3 methods in the NAMESPACE.

Deprecated and Defunct

Significant Changes

  • Now importing digest (used to be a suggested package).

Bug Fixes

  • Package failed to install under _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_=true and digest not being installed. Now importing digest.

Deprecated and Defunct

Bug Fixes

  • WORKAROUND: If the generated RSP output contains invalid characters in the current encoding and is longer than 10,000 characters, it may result in an infinite loop of warnings generated by base::cat() (at least on Linux). This is now detected and writeBin() is used as fallback for outputting. For details, see R-devel thread

  • RspRSourceCodeFactory did not preserve \unnnn encoded UTF-8 characters (they where turned into "<U+NNNN>" strings).

  • rcode() would sometimes return NULL.

  • When used on *.html.rsp vignettes, vignette engine R.rsp::rsp would delete the generated *.html immediately after being produced.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Removed defunct methods that were part of the legacy API.

  • Attribute verbatim for RSP include preprocessing directives is defunct. Use attribute type instead.

Significant Changes

  • All vignette formats now output a tangle file even if empty. For example, in the past *.asis and *.ltx vignettes would not generate *.R tangle files, whereas now they generate “empty” ones (R CMD build drops such “empty” tangle R files but that is a different story). This was done in order to hotfix / workaround PR #17185 (

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: findAsciiDoc() and findPandoc() is more liberal when trying to infer and parse the version of the executable and if they still fail they give more informative error messages.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Deprecated RSP engine v0.1.0 is now defunct.

  • Made deprecated methods defunct.

Significant Changes

  • Cleanup: Renamed exec/ script rsource(.bat) to rcode(.bat).

Software Quality

  • WORKAROUND: knitr::pandoc() in knitr (>= 1.13) appends _utf8 to output HTML filename (to the part before the extension). This caused one of the vignette engines to fail. Now _utf8 is dropped from the HTML filename if this is detected.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Deprecated several methods that was part of the old API, e.g. compileRsp(), sourceRsp(), translateRsp() etc.

  • Removed epsDev(), which has been defunct since R.rsp 0.19.7 (Jan 2015).

  • Workaround for markdown (<= 0.5.4) (Jan 2013) removed.

Significant Changes

  • Renamed rscript() to rcode(). rscript() is now deprecated.

New Features

  • Added vignette option %\VignetteCompression{} for alternative way of setting meta variable compression, e.g. %\VignetteCompression{gs(ebook)+qpdf} to compressed PDF output.

  • Added postprocessor for PDF compression, which can be enabled and controlled via meta variable compression, e.g. <%@meta compression="gs(ebook)"%>.

  • Setting meta variable postprocess to FALSE can now be used to disable postprocessing, e.g. <%@meta postprocess="FALSE"%> in builds and does not continue compiling into an HTML document, which is otherwise the default.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: findPandoc() could give an error if the pandoc executable failed for unpredictable reasons. Now it returns NULL if that is the case. Same for findAsciidoc().

  • Explicit import of methods functions.

Bug Fixes

  • LEGACY CODE: Old RSP -> R script compiler could generate invalid R syntax for multiline RSP code expressions put in R source code comments. Not sure why this all of a sudden shows up; maybe something changed in R that causes the bug to reveal itself. This is old legacy code so the default / modern RSP engine is unaffected.

  • LEGACY CODE: While trying to generate an error, another error was thrown.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • rscript() is now deprecated; use rcode() instead.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now compileLaTeX() will give an error if the filename extension is neither *.tex nor *.ltx (case sensitive). The reason for this is that it is only those that are recognized by the underlying texi2dvi script (if a different filename extension is used, texi2dvi will use texinfo instead of latex to compile the document which for obvious reasons will not compile; texinfo files are not LaTeX files). I’d like to thank Kurt Hornik at CRAN for helping me troubleshoot this as I incorrectly had a static LaTeX vignette named *.latex.

New Features

  • Now all %\VignetteKeyword{} entries inside a meta directives with language ‘R-vignette’ are parsed into meta data field keywords.

  • Added arguments header and metadata to compileMarkdown().

  • Now the processor function returned by findProcessor() passes meta data as a named list to the underlying compiler/processor.

  • Now the full RspFileProduct object is passed to postprocessors rather than its barebone pathname.

New Features

  • Added Unix shell (and Windows batch) scripts rsource, rfile, and rcat moved to system.file("exec", package = "R.rsp"). These scripts are convenient wrappers that use Rscript internally.

Bug Fixes

  • isCapableOf() for "asciidoc" and "pandoc" would given an error (instead of FALSE) if the binary was not found.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Cleanup: Defunct epsDev().

New Features

  • Now the LaTeX processor returned by findProcess() for RspFileProduct (with content type application/x-tex or application/x-latex) will add the directory of the source file to the TEXINPUTS.

  • Added RSP preprocessing directives <%@ifdef ...%> and <%@ifndef ...%> which are shorts for <@if test="exists" ...%> and it’s negated form.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Added more tests for the RSP language.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • CLEANUP/ROBUSTNESS: As part of deprecating the old R.rsp (<= 0.8.2) API, the following steps have been taken:

    1. S3 methods are no longer exported. Only the generics.

    2. Methods flush() and stop() part of the old RSP API no longer mask corresponding functions of the base package.

    3. Several methods including those in the built-in Tcl httpd server no longer assumes that the R.rsp package is attached. They are also prepared for not all methods being exported (which may happen in a future release).

New Features

  • The tex and md vignette engines no longer generates a tangle script.


  • Added vignette ‘R packages: LaTeX vignettes’.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now RSP preprocessing directive <%@if name="<name>" ...%> does a better jobs of locating RSP variables with a smaller risk of finding other R objects.

New Features

  • Added Unix shell (and Windows batch) scripts rsource, rfile, and rcat to system.file("bin", package = "R.rsp"). These scripts are convenient wrappers that use Rscript internally.


  • Updated the ’Dynamic document creation using RSP package vignette.

Software Quality

  • Cleanup: Removed false R CMD check NOTEs recently introduced.

  • Bumped package dependencies.

New Features

  • Added support for cut’n’paste and copy’n’paste preprocessing directives.

New Features

  • GENERALIZATION: Now it is possible to use any symbol for enclosing attribute values in RSP directives in addition to the current x='y' and x="y" ones, e.g. x=.y., x=|y|, and so on. Furthermore, paired brackets may also be used, e.g. x={y}, x=[y], x=<y> and x=(y), and then also in matched replicates, e.g. x={{{y}}}. Added several package system tests for this.

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped version.

Bug Fixes

  • Trying to assign an empty string to an RSP preprocessing variable would not set the variable but return its current value or given an error if it did not exist, e.g. <%@string empty=''%> could throw “No such variable (‘empty’)”. Added system test for this.

New Features

  • Now rcompile() can write to file and if the input is a file, then it does so by default.

New Features

  • RSP directives <%@meta ...%>, <%@string ...%>, …, <%@integer ...%> gained attribute default for getting their values.

  • Metadata field source is now referring to the input RSP file by its absolute path, or URL, whenever known/possible.

New Features

  • Vignette engine R.rsp::rsp now respects %\VignetteTangle{FALSE}.

  • The R.rsp vignettes no longer produce tangle script, because they were not useful to anyone.

Code Refactoring

  • Added ‘Recommends’ field to DESCRIPTION.

New Features

  • Now rscript() can write to file and if the input is a file, then it does so by default.

  • Now metadata source, which is a reference to the source of the RSP document, is set whenever possible/known. It is considered a “local” metadata attribute, meaning it will not be part of any generated source code scripts, because those should be the same regardless of where the source is located.

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Code Refactoring

  • Using R.utils::use() instead of require() in more places.

  • Cleanup: Dropped internal ununsed vignette engines.

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

New Features

  • USABILITY: The error messages thrown on RSP code chunks with syntax errors now also display the beginning and the end of the actual code chunk making it easier to identify/locate it.

  • Cleanup: Now rspWeave() and hence the rsp::rsp vignette engine cleans up intermediate files (e.g. Markdown and TeX) produced while compiling the vignette into its final output (HTML or PDF).

Code Refactoring

  • Now using withCapture() in vignettes replacing alias evalCapture().

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: R.oo package is no longer attached when attaching this package.

New Features

  • rfile() now assumes an RSP document when it cannot infer the type from the filename etc.

Code Refactoring

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Cleanup: Removed evalWithEcho(), which has been deprecated since

New Features

  • Added vignette engine R.rsp::asis to include static PDFs and HTMLs.


  • Restructured and updated the R.rsp vignettes.

New Features

  • Now suggested packages are installed automagically, iff needed. This minimizes the need for preinstalling packages whenever using R.rsp to compile documents.

New Features

  • Now all rfile() also works with URLs for all known processors, e.g. rfile("") and rfile(""). Added package system tests for various types of “online” compilation.

  • Now rspTangle() passes ... to rsource().

Bug Fixes

  • RspFileProduct would corrupt URLs.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now compileLaTeX() cleans up and shortens LaTeX environment variables (e.g. TEXINPUTS) iff possible, before compiling the document. This lowers the risk for compilation failures due to too long search paths.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now compileLaTeX() tries to shorten any paths as far as possible, e.g. ../foo/../foo/ to ../foo/ to workaround possible length limits of the TeX compiler. It now also adds a symbolic link to TEXINPUTS that refers to the directory of the LaTeX file.

Bug Fixes

  • WORKAROUND: On Windows, due to limitations in browseURL(..., browser = NULL), which in turn utilizes shell.exec(), view() for RspFileProduct failed to open files in subdirectories, because they had forward slashes in their pathname, e.g. reports/main.html. By temporarily changing the working directory to that of the file, view() now opens the file properly.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now the package runs the garbage collector if unloaded in order to make sure finalize() is called on any deleted HttpDaemon objects.

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

New Features

  • Now print() for RspFileProduct reports file sizes also in kB, MB, etc.

New Features

  • SPEEDUP: Significant speed up of methods such as rstring() and rfile() for RSP expression that outputted a large amount of text to the output document. Internally, this was achieved by replacing the default capturing of output, which uses text connections, with one that uses raw connections instead. The processing time for the former was exponential in the number of captured lines whereas for the latter it is linear.

New Features

  • It’s possible to call rcat(), rfile(), etc. from the command line with arguments, e.g. Rscript -e R.rsp::rfile and Rscript -e R.rsp::rcat "Random number: <%= sample(1) %>". Also, by setting alias rcat="Rscript -e R.rsp::rcat", etc. one can then just call rcat "Random number: <%= sample(1) %>".
  • Cleanup: Internal calls to R.oo::ll() used really only by verbose statements trigger the attachment of the R.oo package (as of R.oo (>= 1.17.0)), which in turn outputs a few package startup messages. Thus calling, say, R.rsp::rcat() would output such messages (which would be surprising to the user). To lower this impact, ll() is only called when verbose is enabled.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Added package system tests asserting that the output of the RSP parser can be deparsed and when reparsed the output will be identical.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now compileLaTeX() adds the directory of the LaTeX file to TEXINPUTS also by its relative path (in addition to its absolute path). This provides a workaround for systems that does not handle TEXINPUTS paths that are too long.

Bug Fixes

  • RSP comments with only a single character commented out would generate an RSP parsing error, e.g. <%-- --%> and <%--\n--%>. Added package system tests for more comment cases, including these.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: Removed code that is now in R.oo (>= 1.16.2).

New Features

New Features

  • Now rfile() also supports filename substitution based on whisker / Mustache-like variable substitution, i.e. {{<variable>}}.

New Features

  • Added !() for RspProduct, which is a shortcut for view().

  • Now the code generated by RspRSourceCodeFactory provides a rmeta() function for getting and setting document metadata.

New Features

  • Now rfile() accepts also non-RSP documents, e.g. rfile(""), rfile("report.Rnw"), and rfile("report.tex"). This also means that all RSP documents must use the *.rsp filename extension in order for rfile() to automatically recognize it as RSP. To process files with custom extensions as RSP, do rfile(RspFileProduct("report.custom", type = "application/x-rsp")).

  • Now getType() for RspFileProduct works also for URLs.

Bug Fixes

New Features

  • Now rfile() tries to rename the generated output file, iff its filename can be renamed using variable substitutions. For instance, rfile('${foo}.txt.rsp') will try to rename output file ${foo}.txt to SampleA.txt, if variable foo is set to say SampleA (either globally or by the RSP document). If the variable is not set, the output file will remain ${foo}.txt. Requires R.utils (>= 1.28.6).

Bug Fixes

  • compileRsp(..., postprocess = TRUE) would throw ‘Error in UseMethod(“process”): no applicable method for ’process’ applied to an object of class “character”’. Added system test for compileRsp().

New Features

  • SIMPLIFICATION: Now the registered rsp::rsp engine postprocesses the RSP document by default. This means that RSP-embedded Markdown vignettes will be turned into HTML documents just as RSP-embedded LaTeX vignettes will become PDF documents. It also means that such engines will no longer rely on the R tools package to compile TeX output into PDFs.

Code Refactoring

Bug Fixes

  • rsource() would not evaluate in the current environment. Added a package system test for this.


  • Added a small LoremIpsum.tex.rsp example vignette that is also useful as a stub for others to build upon.

New Features

  • Now “child” RSP documents imported into a “parent” RSP document via <%@import ...%>, sees all meta data of the parent, and any meta data set by the child document are also set in the parent one. Updated main vignette to mention this. Added a system tests.

Bug Fixes

  • setMetadata(..., metadata = list()) would give an error.

New Features

  • Cleanup: Now the md.rsp+knitr:pandoc vignette engine suppresses messages generated by knitr::pandoc().

Bug Fixes

  • The browseRsp() demo page assumed that R.utils was attached.


  • Updates to vignettes: Added rsource() command to ‘RSP Markup Language - Reference Card’ vignette’. Adjusted the other two vignettes to reflect usage of vignettes/.

Code Refactoring

  • Now the package vignettes are in vignettes/ and no longer in inst/doc/, which will not be supported by R (>= 3.1.0).

  • Now package only imports explicitly what is needed from dependent packages.

Bug Fixes

  • If an RspEvalDirective for language="R" had a parse or an evaluation error, the intended error message was not generated because it in turn would give another error.

  • Vignette ‘RSP-refcard.tex.rsp’ assumed that the R.rsp package was attached, which it may not be in all cases.

Significant Changes

  • GENERALIZATION: Updated the framework for building non-Sweave vignettes also under R (< 3.0.0) to support the vignettes/ directory in addition to inst/doc/. Thanks to Jari Oksanen, University of Oulu, Finland, for the pointers on how to do this.

New Features

  • No isCapableOf() also supports version specifications.

  • Now the R.rsp Package object is also available when the package is only loaded (but not attached).

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Bug Fixes

  • The ‘Dynamic document creation using RSP’ vignette assumed that evalCapture() of R.utils was on the search path.

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now the ‘Introductory slides on RSP’ vignette better detects what version of pandoc is available and adapts accordingly. If not available, the fallback Markdown version will display a note about this. Thanks to Brian Ripley for reporting on pandoc version incompatibilities.

Software Quality

  • Changed how vignette engines are registered so that if an error occurs, it is no longer silently ignored.

  • ROBUSTNESS: Forgot to import R.methodsS3::appendVarArgs().

New Features

  • Now preprocess() of RspDocument also records R vignette meta data engine (from %\VignetteEngine{}) and RSP custom tangle (from %\VignetteTangle{}).


  • Updated the ‘Dynamic document creation using RSP’ vignette with information on how to embedded image files as data URI into HTML and Markdown.

  • Added HTML vignette ‘Introductory slides on RSP’. This requires that the package suggests the R.devices, base64enc and knitr packages.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now start() for HttpDaemon makes sure that the R.rsp package is attached so that the Tcl HTTP daemon have access to its methods.

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Bug Fixes

  • WORKAROUND: For now, package attaches the R.oo package. This is needed due to what appears to be a bug in how R.oo finalizes Object:s assuming R.oo is/can be attached. Until that is resolved, we make sure R.oo is attached.

  • Two of the package vignettes assumed that the R.rsp package would be attached.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Package no longer assumes that R.utils is attached.

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now the package also works when only loaded.

Code Refactoring

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now all S3 methods are formally declared in NAMESPACE.

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: Package no longer utilizes :::.

Code Refactoring

  • Package no longer attaches (“loads”) R.utils, only imports it.

New Features

New Features

  • Added argument buffered to rcat(). If FALSE and output is sent to standard output, then RSP output is forwarded to standard output as they appear (and the underlying engine allow for it).

Code Refactoring

  • Bumped up package dependencies.


  • The ‘RSP Markup Language - Reference Card’ vignette was slightly too long causing it to have a second pages.

Bug Fixes

  • tidy() for RspRSourceCode would not drop the last line of the header leaving a long ## - - - - ... comment line at top.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: Dropped tempvar() now in R.utils v1.26.0.

New Features

  • GENERALIZATION: Now all return values are processed via generic function rpaste() before being outputted via cat(). This makes it possible (i) to override the default and (ii) to define class specific behaviors from within the RSP document itself.

New Features

  • Added capabilitiesOf(R.rsp) for easy summary of what tools are supported on the current system. It is also possible to check support for a particular tool, e.g. isCapableOf(R.rsp, "latex").


  • Rewrote the package description.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: Removed internal archive of old Tcl HTTP daemons.

Bug Fixes

  • rstring(), rcat(), and rfile() on template function:s would only work if the evaluation was done in the default environment. Added system tests for this.

Code Refactoring

  • Internal code cleanup.

Bug Fixes

  • The automatic adding of a TEXINPUTS directory done by compileLaTeX() needed to add its absolute (not relative) path.

New Features

  • Now it possible to pass argument clean all the way down to compileLaTeX() via rfile(), e.g. rfile("foo.tex.rsp", clean = TRUE).

New Features

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Updated system tests to not use commas in LaTeX file paths, because such are not supported on all file systems.

  • ROBUSTNESS: If compileLaTeX() was called on a LaTeX file in a directory different than the working directory, it could fail to located files to be included (e.g. image files). In order to make this less likely to happen, compileLaTeX() now adds the the directory of the compiled LaTeX file to the TEXINPUTS search path, iff it is different than the working directory.

New Features

  • Added rfile() also for RspString, RspDocument and RspRSourceCode.

Bug Fixes

  • evaluate() for RspRSourceCode failed to evaluate in to proper environment if the default (parent) environment was used.

New Features

  • Updated the template vignette Makefile that is needed prior to R v3.0.0 to no remove LaTeX files needed by R CMD check. These should instead be handled by .Rinstignore (a template for this is also available).


  • Updated the vignettes.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Added more tests on preprocessing.

Code Refactoring

  • Internal code cleanup.

  • Bumped up package dependencies.

Code Refactoring

  • Minor speedup by replacing rm() calls with NULL assignments.

New Features

  • Several updates to browseRsp():

    1. It automatically adds the current directory (‘.’) as well as a ‘./rsp’ subdirectory to the list of known root paths.

    2. R.rsp::browseRsp() works without loading the package first.

    3. It can be used to open any RSP file by specifying it’s (absolute or relative) pathname, e.g. browseRsp("foo/bar.html.rsp") and browseRsp("foo/").

  • Added argument trim=FALSE to getParameter() and getParameters() for HttpRequest.

Code Refactoring

  • Now processRsp() for HttpDaemon with version="1.0.0" utilizes rfile() rather than rstring() so that postprocessors are also applied. Also, the rfile() working directory is set to the current directory (and not the directory of the source file as with version = "0.1.0"). For backward compatibility with old RSP pages, write() for HttpDaemonRspResponse now supports the new RSP engine as well. This will simplify the transition.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now rfile() handles files with only one filename extension.

Code Refactoring

  • CRAN POLICY: Now all Rd \usage{} lines are at most 90 characters long.

  • CRAN POLICY: Now all Rd example lines are at most 100 characters long.

New Features

  • Now empty lines in .rspPlugins are ignored.


  • Now vignettes are properly using opened and closed quotation marks. Thanks Saunak Sen at UCSF for reporting on this.


  • Explicitly added arguments file and path to rcat() to make the help page more user friendly [although they’re just passed as is to rstring()].

Code Refactoring

  • The internal RSP engine has undergone a major redesign.

  • BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: The RSP processor of the built-in HTTP daemon is by default still using the previous RSP engine. Note, the built-in HTTP daemon is only there as a proof of concept and is not recommended for other than toy examples.

New Features

  • Whenever only a URL directory is requested, the built-in HTTP daemon now loads the first file matching ^index[.](html|.*)$. It used to only look for index.rsp.

Code Refactoring

  • The internal RSP engine is undergoing a major redesign.

New Features

  • More functions can now be called without loading the package.

  • Simplified how to build non-Sweave vignettes for R (< 3.0.0). It now imitates how it is done in R (>= 3.0.0).


  • Updated the help usage section for all static methods.

Code Refactoring

  • Prepared package for the upcoming R (>= 3.0.0) generic vignette support.

New Features

  • Added compileRnw() which compiles Sweave and knitr Rnw files.

  • Added typeOfRnw() which tries to infer whether an Rnw file is for Sweave or knitr based on its contents.

Software Quality

Code Refactoring

  • Now rsp() uses compileRnw() for *.Rnw files.

  • Added knitr under suggested packages.

New Features

  • Utilizing new startupMessage() of R.oo.

New Features

Software Quality

Bug Fixes

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now the doc/Makefile no longer assumes R is on the system’s search path. Instead it uses $(R_HOME)/bin/R. Thanks to Kasper Hansen at John Hopkins for the suggestion.

Code Refactoring

  • Now package only imports R.methodsS3 and R.oo instead of “depends” on them.

Code Refactoring

  • Now the package depends on R.devices, which contains the utility functions for graphical devices that originate from R.utils.

New Features

  • Now inst/doc/templates/Makefile does a better job cleaning up.

Code Refactoring

  • CRAN POLICY: Removed all internal copies of base functions that contain .Internal().

New Features

Code Refactoring

  • Placed a copy of inst/doc/Makefile in inst/doc/templates/ and updated the ‘Include static PDFs and non-Sweave vignettes in an R package’ vignette accordingly. The reason for this change is that inst/doc/Makefile will not be installed in recent version of R. The Makefile also does a better job cleaning up.

New Features

  • Now R.rsp::rsp() can be called without the package had been loaded before.

New Features

  • Now the building of vignettes is independent of R.rsp. All that is needed to build non-Sweave vignettes (via RSP, brew etc), or include a static PDF, is to have a corresponding *.Rnw stub with custom vignette options %\VignetteSource{} and %\VignetteBuild{}. See inst/doc/ of this package for more details.


  • Added a vignette explaining how to include static PDFs and non-Sweave vignettes in an R package.

  • Cleanup: Dropped an old vignette from 2006.

New Features

  • Now the *.tex.rsp vignettes are recognized by R. This was done by tricking R to believe they are of Sweave origin.

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now the generated R script adds write <- R.rsp::write at the beginning, to assure that it is used instead of base::write().

Software Quality

  • ROBUSTNESS: Now <%= [expr] %> is translated with curly brackets around the expression, i.e. write(response, {[expr]}). This allows for writing <%= x <- 1; x^2 %> instead of <%={ x <- 1; x^2 }%>.

Bug Fixes

  • By default the RSP document would be evaluated in the local call frame of rsp(), not its parent frame.

Code Refactoring

  • Cleanup: Replaced an internal evalWithEcho() with evalCapture().

Bug Fixes

  • Although deprecated, the update to evalWithEcho() did not work.

Code Refactoring

  • Updated code and vignettes to utilize evalCapture() of R.utils v1.9.2.

  • Cleanup: Dropped the old ‘The R.rsp package v0.3.0’ vignette.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • DEPRECATED: evalWithEcho(); use evalCapture() instead.

Code Refactoring

  • Updated the R.rsp vignette to utilize toPNG() of R.utils v1.9.1.

Bug Fixes

  • The package would not load in R v2.15.0 devel, because it tried to access restart(), which has been dropped. This was a non-critical error and the fix was trivial.


  • Updated the package’s DESCRIPTION with an example of the RSP syntax.


  • RSP PAGES: Added clarifications to the main index.rsp page.

Bug Fixes

  • HttpDaemon$getRootPaths() did not handle paths with spaces correctly. Added a getRootPaths() Tcl function to instead handle this, which is called by the former.


  • Cleanup: Replaced all references to ‘R Server Pages’ with RSP.

  • RSP PAGES: Minor cleanup and harmonization.

Code Refactoring

  • Now package exports .conflicts.OK in order to avoid several warnings when loading package.

Software Quality

  • Added a namespace to the package, which will be more or less a requirement in the next major release of R.

Code Refactoring

New Features

New Features


  • Updated ‘Dynamic LaTeX reports with RSP’ vignette.

New Features

  • Now docs/Makefile cleans out all auxiliary files.

Bug Fixes

  • In R v2.12.x, rsp(text = "...") would throw ‘Error …: unused argument(s) (fileext = ".txt.rsp")’. Solved by providing a patched tempfile() with this feature for R v2.12.x. Thanks Uwe Ligges for spotting this.

New Features


  • Updated ‘Dynamic LaTeX reports with RSP’ vignette.

  • Cleaned up the help pages.

New Features

  • RSP PAGES: Now the ‘R Server Pages’ page launched by browseRsp() list only the first package installation in case a package occurs in multiple package libraries in .libPaths().

  • RSP PAGES: Added a demo page listing all built-in colors in R.

New Features

  • Added support for RSP preprocessing directive <%@insert ...%>.

New Features

  • Now parseRsp() drops RSP comments, i.e. <%-- {anything} --%>.

  • Rewrote evalWithEcho() so that it utilizes source(..., echo = TRUE).

  • Now the RSP documentation is automatically generated when the package is built.


  • Additional updates on the ‘Dynamic LaTeX reports with RSP’ vignette.


  • Additional updates on the ‘Dynamic LaTeX reports with RSP’ vignette.

Bug Fixes

  • write() for RspResponse classes would ignore arguments collapse and sep.

New Features

  • Now the trimming of RSP handles all newline types, i.e. LF, CR+LF, and CR. The corresponding argument trimRsp now defaults to TRUE everywhere.

  • Cleanup: Some minor R code cleanups.

Bug Fixes

  • The main ‘R Server Pages’ page launched by browseRsp() would list package twice on a Windows system.

New Features

  • Updated getParameter() of HttpRequest to return all values of a query parameter with multiple entries. Added argument drop.

Bug Fixes

  • getHttpRequest() of HttpDaemon would drop all but the last of replicated query parameters of the same name, which for instance may occur if an HTML form with replicated check boxes is used. Thanks to Truc Trung at University of Bergen, Norway, for this report.

New Features

  • Now rsptex() trims white space of RSP blocks so that RSP-only blocks no longer introduces newlines (that previously had to be escaped).

  • Added argument trimRsp to parseRsp() for trimming white spaces surrounding RSP blocks that have preceding and succeeding white space and that are followed by a newline. Currently it defaults to FALSE, but this may change in a future release. The same was added to old translateRspV1() for compatibility reasons. Note, compileRsp() and sourceRsp() will pass this argument down to these functions via ....

New Features

  • Now argument pdf of rsptex() default to TRUE.


  • Added example(rsptex).

  • First draft of a article on how to generate dynamic reports by extending LaTeX with RSP.


  • Added a section to help(rsptex) explaining in what environment the RSP document is evaluated and how to retrieve it and its content.

Bug Fixes

  • parseRsp() would generate invalid R code/R comments for multiline <%= ... %> statements.


  • Clarified in the help of HttpDaemon that it is only connections from the local host ( that are accepted. This lowers the risk for unauthorized access to the R session.

Bug Fixes

  • browseRsp(path = "/R/settings/options.rsp") and browseRsp(path = "/R/settings/par.rsp") was throwing “Error in help(”par”, pager = stdoutPager): unused argument(s) (pager = stdoutPager)” in R (>= 2.10.0).

Bug Fixes

  • browseRsp(path = "/R/system/packages.rsp") would throw “Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): subscript out of bounds”.

New Features

  • Updated the HTTP header generated by the built-in webserver from HTTP/1.x [...] to HTTP/1.1 [...]. Thanks Ryan Bressler (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle) for reporting this.

New Features

  • Added rsptex() to compiling a *.tex.rsp file into a *.dvi file via *.tex.rsp -> *.tex.rsp.R -> *.tex -> *.dvi.

  • Added compileRsp(), which utilizes internal translateRsp() which in turn calls parseRsp().

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Renamed old translateRsp() to translateRspV1(), which sourceRsp() is still utilizing.

Bug Fixes

  • Regular expression pattern a-Z is illegal on (at least) some locale, e.g. ‘C’ (where A-z works). The only way to specify the ASCII alphabet is to list all characters explicitly, which we now do in all methods of the package. See the r-devel thread “invalid regular expression ‘[a-Z]’” on 2008-03-05 for details.

Software Quality

  • Updated code such that package pass R CMD check R v2.6.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed obsolete code calling non-existing functions.

Bug Fixes

  • Replaced gsub pattern "\\\[\"\']" with "\\\\[\"\']" in indexOfNonQuoted().

  • Replace regexpr pattern "^[ \]*=[ \]*" with "^[ \]*=[ \]*" in translateRsp().

New Features

  • Added rspToHtml() in order to simplify RSP-to-HTML compilations.

New Features

  • Packages with an rsp/ path (installed from inst/rsp/) will now be listed and linked to on the main RSP page. This makes it very easy to add RSP pages to a package. For an example, see the aroma.light package.

  • Added browseRsp() for the Package too, e.g. browseRsp(aroma.light). Added help pages for these methods.

  • When calling browseRsp(start = TRUE), (the parents of) all library paths are now added to the root paths.

Software Quality

  • Package has now been verified to compile not only HTML input files, but also TeX files. This make RSP a very power tool to write vignettes. Added a simple package vignette.

Bug Fixes

  • translateRsp("\\\n") would convert to "\\n". Thanks Peter Dahlsgaard for the suggestion how to fix it using deparse().

  • translateRsp() would replicate last R code or text piece, for each RSP comment tag.

Bug Fixes

  • If argument path was NULL, translateRsp() gave an error. Thanks Julien Gagneur for pointing this out.

Code Refactoring

  • Renamed class Response to RspResponse and RspResponse to FileRspResponse, cf. HttpDaemonRspResponse.

  • Now sourceRsp() creates an HttpRequest object internally, if not given. Added an example to ?sourceRsp too.


  • Added a little bit more help text.

Bug Fixes

  • Used obsolete setClassS3() instead of setConstructorS3().

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • The RSP page on “System Details” used functions only available on Windows platforms.

Bug Fixes

  • HttpDaemon$getHttpRequest() failed to retrieve parameters with empty values, e.g. "index.rsp?foo=&bar=2".

New Features

  • Added writeResponse() to HttpDaemon. No other classes but HttpDaemon should know about the Tcl HTTP daemon.

  • Improved the built-in RSP pages.

Known Issues

  • Mozilla browsers does unfortunately not follow file URLs (file://) when clicking on links on a page that has been loaded via HTTP. This makes it impossible (for now) to link to local R help pages via RSP pages (without passing everything through the HTTP daemon that is). It works under Internet Explorer.


  • Added more help.

New Features

  • Create better support for plugins on the main RSP page.

  • Added argument overwrite to sourceAllRsp().

  • Added argument overwrite to constructor of RspResponse.


  • Updated example(HttpDaemon) so it actually runs and opens up the main RSP page (when in interactive mode).

Bug Fixes

  • translateRsp() would in some locales give the error: “simpleError in gsub(pattern, replacement, x,, extended, fixed): ‘replacement’ is invalid in this locale”. This was due to an incorrect internal MAGIC.STRING. Thanks Julien Gagneur at EMBL/HTFG Center, Heidelberg for this bug fix.

New Features

  • Removed the generation of doc/ from rsp files. Now all such documentation is supposed to viewed via the built in HTTP daemon. This might change if/when a root ServletRequest class is written.

New Features

  • Now root paths can be set before the server has started.

  • Updated the Tcl HTTP daemon so it can search multiple root directories for files to be processed.

  • Update the RSP pages to include a common header with a navigator. Changes the CSS style to use sans serif etc.

Bug Fixes

  • HttpDaemon$startHelp() tried to open the wrong page.

Bug Fixes

  • The HttpDaemon sent the wrong MIME type for *.rsp pages. Now text/html as it should be.

Significant Changes

  • Added a simple webserver (HTTP Daemon) requiring Tcl, which now all R installation has. The current version recognized and pre-process RSP files.

Bug Fixes

  • sourceRsp() is no longer using argument output, but response.

New Features

  • The RSP template is now searching for a functional PNG device.

Code Refactoring

  • Made a few method protected (and hence hid their documentation), because they are not of public interest.


  • Added help to all methods. R CMD check gives no warnings.

New Features

  • All output is first interpreted as a GString before being written.

  • Added support for page directive with attribute import.

Software Quality

  • More robust search for %>; tries to make sure the ending tag is not within a character string.

New Features

  • If an error occurs with an RSP file when running sourceAllRsp(), it smoothly continues with the next file instead of interrupting.


  • Clean up and added help pages to all methods and classes.

  • Now the “User Guides and Package Vignettes” documentation is build from RSP files when re-building man pages from Rdoc comments.

Significant Changes

  • Created. Since May 2002, there has been a trial version of an RSPEngine class in the package, but from now on this package should be used for RSP processing. The RSPEngine class is made deprecated.