future.mirai: Use the Mirai Parallelization Framework in Futureverse - Easy!

Henrik Bengtsson

University of California, San Francisco

R Foundation

R Consortium


useR! 2024, Salzburg, Austria (2024-07-09)

Futureverse - A Friendly, Unifying Parallelization Framework in R

  • Package future provides fundamental building blocks for evaluating R code in parallel

    • future(), value(), and resolved()

    • %<-% (future-assignment operator) on top of future() & value()

> x <- 1:100
> y <- slow_sum(x)            # ~1 min ... waiting!
> y
[1] 5050

Total time: 1 minute

Futureverse - A Friendly, Unifying Parallelization Framework in R

  • Package future provides fundamental building blocks for evaluating R code in parallel

    • future(), value(), and resolved()

    • %<-% (future-assignment operator) on top of future() & value()

> x <- 1:100
> a <- slow_sum(x[ 1:50 ])     # ~30 sec
> b <- slow_sum(x[51:100])     # ~30 sec
> y <- a + b
> y
[1] 5050

Total time: 1 minute

Evaluate R expressions in the background

> library(future)
> plan(multisession)           # parallelize on
                               # local machine
> x <- 1:100
> a %<-% slow_sum(x[ 1:50 ])   # ~0 sec
> b %<-% slow_sum(x[51:100])   # ~0 sec

> 1 + 2
[1] 3

> y <- a + b                   # get results
> y
[1] 5050

Total time: 30 seconds

Splitting up into more chunks to speed it up further

> library(future)
> plan(multisession)

> x <- 1:100
> a %<-% slow_sum(x[ 1:25 ])   # ~0 sec
> b %<-% slow_sum(x[26:50 ])   # ~0 sec
> c %<-% slow_sum(x[51:75 ])   # ~0 sec
> d %<-% slow_sum(x[76:100])   # ~0 sec

> y <- a + b + c + d           # get results
> y
[1] 5050

Total time: 15 seconds

End-user can choose from many parallel backends

plan(multisession)        # uses {parallel}'s "snow" machinery
plan(multicore)           # uses {parallel}'s "multicore" machinery

plan(cluster, workers = c("n1", "n1", "n1", "n2", "n3"))
plan(cluster, workers = c("n1", "m2.uni.edu", "vm.cloud.org"))

These are internally based on the parallel package.

Higher-level parallelization from future() and value()

y <- lapply(X, slow_sum)

plan(multisession, workers = 4)
y <- future_lapply(X, slow_sum)

Easily implemented via future() and value(), e.g.

future_lapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  fs <- lapply(X, function(x) future(FUN(x, ...)))
  lapply(fs, value)

User-friendly, higher-level functions

  • The concept of “futures” was invented in 1975 (sic!)
  • future(), value(), and resolved() are easy to understand, powerful constructs

These building blocks lay the foundation for higher-level functions:

  • future.apply, e.g. future_lapply() and future_replicate()
  • furrr, e.g. future_map() and future_map_dbl()
  • doFuture, e.g. foreach() %dofuture% { ... }
  • - Maybe your package will be next?

Futureverse allows you to stick with your favorite coding style

Parallel alternatives to traditional, sequential functions:

y <- lapply(x, some_fcn)                    ## base R
y <- future_lapply(x, some_fcn)             ## {future.apply}

y <- map(x, some_fcn)                       ## {purrr}
y <- future_map(x, some_fcn)                ## {furrr}

y <- foreach(z = x) %do% some_fcn(x)        ## {foreach}
y <- foreach(z = x) %dofuture% some_fcn(z)  ## {foreach} + {doFuture}

Yes, we can of course use base-R or magrittr pipes where we want to, e.g.

y <- x |> future_map(some_fcn)
y <- x %>% future_map(some_fcn)

Anyone can develop additional parallel backends

From the very beginning in 2015, the plan and hope has been that additional R backends would become available in the future (pun intended!)

The future.callr package wraps the callr package that is an alternative to the built-in parallel-based multisession backend:

plan(future.callr::callr)                     # locally using callr

The future.batchtools package wraps the batchtools package that can run tasks on high-performance compute (HPC) clusters, e.g.

plan(future.batchtools::batchtools_slurm)     # on a Slurm job scheduler
plan(future.batchtools::batchtools_sge)       # on a SGE job scheduler

And, now also mirai-based backends:

plan(future.mirai::mirai_multisession)        # locally using mirai
plan(future.mirai::mirai_cluster)             # using mirai cluster

mirai - Minimalist Async Evaluation Framework for R

  • The mirai R package by Charlie Gao (anno 2022)

  • mirai is Japanese for “future”

Mirai API Future API
m <- mirai(expr) create a future f <- future(expr)
r <- !unresolved(m) check if done r <- resolved(f)
v <- m[] wait & get result v <- value(f)
  • Somewhat lower-level interface than the future package

  • Minimum overhead through highly optimized implementation

  • Provides a powerful queueing-mechanism for processing tasks in parallel

future.mirai - A mirai-based parallel backend for Futureverse

  • Makes mirai ecosystem available to Futureverse

  • Existing Futureverse code can use it without modification

plan(mirai_multisession)   # parallelize via
                           # mirai framework
x <- rnorm(100)
a %<-% sum(x[ 1:50 ])
b %<-% sum(x[51:100])
y <- a + b

z <- future.apply::future_sapply(x, slow)

z <- x |> furrr::future_map_dbl(slow)

z <- foreach::foreach(.x = x) %dofuture% { slow(.x) }

Futureverse is very well tested thanks to lots of real-world use

~400 CRAN packages depend directly on the future package - it grows 3× faster than foreach at 1200 reverse dependencies

The future packages is among the 1% most downloaded CRAN packages

As a Futureverse user, you can help mirai!

If you use one of the 100’s of CRAN packages that parallelize via Futureverse, by setting:


you will parallelize via mirai, with all its benefits.

Importantly, by doing so, you will also:

  • increase the real-world test coverage of mirai

  • help increase the stability and quality of mirai

Please give feedback and reach out if you run into issues 🙏

Nested parallelization with some care

  • Futureverse protects against over parallelization
  • future.mirai opens up for more nested parallelization


with 4 workers

Nested parallelization
with 5 workers each
running 3 parallel tasks

Not a competition: Should I use Future API or Mirai API?

  • Futureverse is well established and well tested

    • future.apply, furrr, foreach with doFuture, …
    • automatically relays output, messages, warnings, errors, etc.
    • real-time progress updates
    • 100’s of packages already parallelize via futures
      \(\Rightarrow\)they can all use plan(mirai_multisession) immediately
  • mirai is is self-contained implementation

    • optimized for minimum overhead
    • undergoes stunning development

There is a promising future for parallelization in R