Below are environment variables and R options that are used by the startup package. The R_STARTUP_*** environment variables must be set before calling the startup::startup() function, that is, either (i) prior to launching R or (ii) in the .Renviron file.

Controls whether startup is used or not

R_STARTUP_DISABLE / startup.disable:

(logical) If TRUE, startup::startup() is fully disable such that no .Renviron.d/ or .Rprofile.d/ files are processed. Note: Files .Renviron and .Rprofile are still processed because these are out of control of the startup package. (Default: FALSE)

R_STARTUP_DRYRUN / startup.dryrun:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument dryrun of startup(). (Default: FALSE)

Additional customization of the startup process

R_STARTUP_FILE / startup.file:

(R script as a character string) Optional R script that is parsed and evaluated after .Renviron.d/ and .Rprofile.d/ files, and R_STARTUP_INIT code, have been processed, e.g. R_STARTUP_FILE="setup.R" R --quiet. (Default: not specified)

R_STARTUP_INIT / startup.init:

(R code as a character string) Optional R code that is parsed and evaluated after .Renviron.d/ and .Rprofile.d/ files, but before R_STARTUP_FILE code, have been processed e.g. R_STARTUP_INIT="message('Hello world')" R --quiet. The specified string must be parsable by base::parse(). (Default: not specified)

R_STARTUP_RDATA / startup.rdata:

(comma-separated values) Controls whether an existing ./.RData file should be processed or not. If "remove", it will be skipped by automatically removing it. If "rename", it will be renamed to ./.RData.YYYYMMDD_hhmmss where the timestamp is the last time the file was modified. If "prompt", the user is prompted whether they want to load the file or rename it. In non-interactive session, "prompt" will fallback to loading the content (default). To fallback to renaming the file, use "prompt,rename". If "warn", a warning will be produced, but content is still loaded. Note that in contrast to R and R CMD BATCH file.R, Rscript does not load .RData files unless command-line option --restore is specified. (Default: not specified)

Controls what validation checks are performed at startup

R_STARTUP_CHECK / startup.check:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument check of startup(). (Default: TRUE)

R_STARTUP_CHECK_OPTIONS_IGNORE / startup.check.options.ignore:

(character vector or comma-separated character string) Names of R options that should not be validated at the end of the startup() process. (Default: "error")

Settings useful for debugging and prototyping

R_STARTUP_DEBUG / startup.debug:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument debug of startup(). (Default: FALSE)

R_STARTUP_DEBUG_FILE / startup.debug.file:

(character string or NULL) Controls where startup() debug messages are outputted. If set, it specifies the file where debug messages are written to. If file already exists, it is overwritten. Unless an absolute filename is given, the location of the file is relative to the working directory where R was started. If the filename comprise the string {{pid}}, it is replaced by the R process' process identifier (PID) per Sys.getpid(). If NULL or <message>, then debug is outputted using the message() function. (Default: not specified)


(character vector) Overrides the command-line arguments that startup() uses, which can be useful to prototype and test alternative ways that R might be launched. (Default: base::commandArgs())

R_STARTUP_TIME / startup.time:

(POSIX timestamp; character string) Overrides the current timestamp, which can be useful to prototype and test functionalities that depend on the current time, e.g. inclusion and exclusion of files based on when=<periodicity> tags. The specified string must be parsable by base::as.POSIXct(). (Default: not specified)