Use startLocalWorkers()
to start one or more future.redis R worker
processes in the background. The worker processes are started on the local
system using the worker()
function. Additional workers can be launched
by calling startLocalWorkers()
multiple times.
queue = getOption("future.redis.queue", "{{session}}"),
config = redis_config(),
iter = Inf,
linger = 10,
log = nullfile(),
Rbin = paste(R.home(component = "bin"), "R", sep = "/")
queue = getOption("future.redis.queue", "{{session}}"),
config = redis_config()
number of workers to start.
Redis task queue name.
A redux::redis_config Redis configuration object.
Maximum number of tasks to acquire before exiting.
in seconds, max time before system checks (including termination).
divert stdout and messages to log file.
full path to the command-line R program.
returns, invisibly, a RedisWorkerConfiguration
object, which comprise of the arguments passed to each of the background workers on startup.
returns nothing.
can remove the task queue for these workers. All
workers that listen to the task queue will self-terminate after a
interval (seconds) if the task queue is no longer available,
or if network communication with the Redis server encounters an error.
When passing an RedisWorkerConfiguration
object to startLocalWorkers()
and stopLocalWorkers()
, the queue
and config
values are extracted
from that object.
## The example assumes that a Redis server is running
## on the local host and the standard Redis port (6379)
if (redux::redis_available()) {
# Start two local R worker processes running in the background
workers <- startLocalWorkers(2L, linger = 1.0)
# A function that returns a future, note that N uses lexical scoping...
f <- \() future({4 * sum((runif(N) ^ 2 + runif(N) ^ 2) < 1) / N}, seed = TRUE)
# Run a simple sampling approximation of pi in parallel using M * N points:
N <- 1e6 # samples per worker
M <- 10 # iterations
pi_est <- Reduce(sum, Map(value, replicate(M, f()))) / M
# Make sure to stop the workers
#> [1] 3.142062