Get the ancestral environments of an environment

parent_env(envir = parent.frame(), n = 1L)

parent_envs(envir = parent.frame(), until = emptyenv(), extra = 0L)

top_env(envir, until = globalenv())



An environment or an object with an environment, e.g. a function or a formula.


The generation of parent environment to get. If n = 0, then envir is returned. If n = 1 (default), then parent.env(envir) is returned. If n = 2, then parent.env(parent.env(envir)) is returned, and so on, until emptyenv() is returned.


An environment to consider the last parent environment. If until is not one of the parent environments, then emptyenv() is the last one. It is also possible to specify a list of alternative environments.


Maximum number of additional parent environments to include after a matching "until" environment was identified.


parent_env() returns an environment.

parent_envs() returns a named list of environments, where the names correspond to environment_name() of each environment. The first element is always envir. If extra = 0L (default), the last is until or emptyenv(), which equals top_env().

top_env() returns the top parent environment, which is either the until environment or the empty environment.


Consider the following R script evaluated in the global environment:

cargo <- rnorm(1e6)
a <- 2
f <- local({
  pi <- 3.14
  function() {
    n <- 4
    a * pi / n

The environment of function f() is the local environment that contains the pi object, i.e. environment(f)$pi exists. The parent environment of this environment is parent.envir(environment(f)), which can also be obtained as parent_env(f). This environment contains objects a and cargo, i.e. parent_env(f)$a and parent_env(f)$cargo exist. If we sourced the script in the global environment, then parent_env(f) is the global environment.

We can retrieve these two "ancestral" environments of f() using parent_envs(f), which can be represented visually as:

| parent_env(f):  | == parent_envs(f)[[2]]
| cargo = { 1e6 } | == parent_env(f, n = 1L)
| a = 2           | == top_env(f)
| f               | == globalenv()
| environment(f): | == parent_envs(f)[[1]]
| pi = 3.14       | == parent_env(f, n = 0L)


#> <environment: 0x55f413243608>

ns <- getNamespace("stats")
#> <environment: namespace:stats>
parent_env(ns, n = 0)    ## same as 'ns'
#> <environment: namespace:stats>
parent_env(ns, n = 1)    ## default
#> <environment: 0x55f40ddefb30>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "imports:stats"
parent_env(ns, n = 2)
#> <environment: namespace:base>
parent_env(ns, n = 3)
#> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
parent_env(ns, n = Inf)  ## always emptyenv()
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>

f <- local({
  a <- 42
    pi <- 3.14
    function() pi * a
#> <environment: 0x55f414c9bab0>
parent_env(f, n = 0)     ## same as environment(f)
#> <environment: 0x55f414c9bab0>
parent_env(f, n = 1)
#> <environment: 0x55f414c98e00>
parent_env(f, n = 2)
#> <environment: 0x55f4162252d0>
parent_env(f, n = 3)
#> <environment: 0x55f413243608>

#> $R_EmptyEnv
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>
#> $`package:base`
#> <environment: base>
#> $R_EmptyEnv
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>
#> $R_GlobalEnv
#> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#> $`package:environments`
#> <environment: package:environments>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:environments"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/tmp/hb/Rtmp3egMWL/temp_libpath229fec1e201c7f/environments"
#> $`package:stats`
#> <environment: package:stats>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:stats"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/stats"
#> $`package:graphics`
#> <environment: package:graphics>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:graphics"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/graphics"
#> $`package:grDevices`
#> <environment: package:grDevices>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:grDevices"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/grDevices"
#> $`package:utils`
#> <environment: package:utils>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:utils"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/utils"
#> $`package:datasets`
#> <environment: package:datasets>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:datasets"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/datasets"
#> $`package:methods`
#> <environment: package:methods>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "package:methods"
#> attr(,"path")
#> [1] "/home/hb/shared/software/CBI/R-4.2.1-gcc9/lib/R/library/methods"
#> $Autoloads
#> <environment: 0x55f40d0943e0>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "Autoloads"
#> $`tools:callr`
#> <environment: 0x55f40de3d090>
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "tools:callr"
#> $`package:base`
#> <environment: base>
#> $R_EmptyEnv
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>
parent_envs(new.env(parent = baseenv()))
#> $`0x55f4143d0948`
#> <environment: 0x55f4143d0948>
#> $`package:base`
#> <environment: base>
#> $R_EmptyEnv
#> <environment: R_EmptyEnv>

f <- local({
  a <- 42
    pi <- 3.14
    function() pi * a
f_envs <- parent_envs(f, until = environment())
#> [1] "0x55f415d7de68" "0x55f415d7b1b8" "0x55f4162252d0"

f_envs <- parent_envs(f, until = environment(), extra = 1L)
#> [1] "0x55f415d7de68" "0x55f415d7b1b8" "0x55f4162252d0" "0x55f413243608"

a <- 42
pi <- 3.14
f <- function() pi * a
env <- top_env(f)
#> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#stopifnot(identical(env, environment()))

f <- local({
  a <- 42
    pi <- 3.14
    function() pi * a
env <- top_env(f)
#> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#stopifnot(identical(env, environment()))

make_fcn <- function() {
  a <- 42
  pi <- 3.14
  function() pi * a
f <- make_fcn()
env <- top_env(f)
#> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
#stopifnot(identical(env, environment()))